The industry of the future within your reach

Pragmatic Solutions For complex Cases

Support Industrials to make them more Competitive, Sustainable, Safer and Connected.


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Industry 4.0 & 5.0

Industry 4.0/5.0 roadmap & implementation. Quality process improvement. Targeted & customized tools, methods and services to make companies more competitive, best cost-effective, safer and sustainable.

GreenTech Touch - Strategic studies icon

Strategic Studies

We actively support our clients in achieving their strategic ambitions by offering expert assistance in the development of their projects, encompassing both local and international spheres.

GreenTech Touch - Smart Energy icon

Energy Efficiency

Energy saving opportunities identification. We improve processes to make value chains competitive and sustainable through energy efficiency, carbon footprint reduction and much more.

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Business Matchmaking

Conducting targeted meetings and forming high-level partnerships with investors, governments, decision-makers, and industry leaders for fresh perspectives and potential business opportunities.


Industrial CyberSecurity

Our solution ensures data consistency and robust protection for all industries, providing comprehensive asset and device management tailored to your industrial plant’s specific challenges—an optimal blend of OT and IT.

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Digital Solutions

We respond to different requests by deploying a remarkable E-reputation to highlight the notoriety of our customers, boosting their digital marketing by taking advantage of all the appropriate tools.

Mission & Vision

Enhancing companies performance through targeted efficiency

With several years of proven international experience in industry, energy, digital and sectorial strategic studies, Greentech touch is a company with various caps of expertises. Each need is carefully studied and carried out with a targeted goal (KPI strategy included) in order to bring cost-effectivness , efficiency and sustainabillity.

Our clients are supported in a rigorous manner in their projects thanks to our experts and partners which are global leaders recognized in their field around the world with dozens of succed projects & best practices.

From design to implementation, from feasibility to appropriation or from information to mobilization, we are committed to achieving our objectives while maintaining post-project monitoring and strategic watchfulness.



Manufacturing industry icon

Manufacturing industry


Heavy industry icon

Heavy industry

Raw Material transformation

packing industry icon

Packaging industry

New packaging
Recycled packaging

Process Industry icon

Process industry

Oil & Gas
Water traitement
Heavy chemicals

Energy Industry icon

Energy industry

CO2 Storage
Green Hydrogen

Agro Industry icon

Agro industry

Food Oils


Smart Energy and Artificial Intelligence, strategic issues for a Sustainable Industry

New technologies combined with AI will be key elements of predictive maintenance especially in reducing the use of raw materials. By combining the principles of the circular economy, predictive maintenance and the use of existing equipment, companies can significantly reduce their carbon footprint to become sustainable industries (Industry 5.0).


What Can We Do For You?

Industrie X.0

  • Roadmap industry 4.0/5.0
  • Digitalization & Engineering
  • Programmation / Upgrade & Update 
  • Automatization / Process control / Supervision 
  • Numeric solutions / Data analysis / Data science 
  • Instrumentation

Energy Transition

  • Decarbonation 
  • Ressources efficiency 
  • Smart energy thanks to data with IA 
  • Biomass 
GreenTech Touch - smart operability image

Smart Operability

  • Smart Asset Performance 
  • Smart Asset Risk Management 
  • Smart Operation & Manufacturing 
  • Smart Tool, drones & robotics

Interim Management

  • Maintenance Management  
  • Preventive/Predictive Maintenance 
  • Facility Management 
  • Tournaround & Shutdouwn Management (with safety improvement)
  • CMMS implementation, optimization & management 
  • Water/Waste management
  • Project Management 
  • Business Development 
  • FMEA analysis
  • RCM Reliability Centered Maintenance

Strategic Studies

  • Support Manufacturers and economic actors in their business model for enhancing competitiveness
  • Allow industrials to access larger international markets
  • Support innovators and startups to access into specific markets wich conformed to their needs and project
  • Support to acces into Fund raising

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Digital Solutions

  • Digital Transition
  • Website Deployment
  • Digital Marketing
  • Branding
  • Digital Economy
  • Cryptocurrency

Performance Optimization

  • Complete Audit  
  • Operational Strategy 
  • Asset Management 
  • Leading skills 
  • Planning & Scheduling with IA 
  • Continuous Improvement 
  • Process Improvement 
  • Maintenance Strategy Development 
  • Safety development

Industrial Cybersecurity Services

  • Overview of asset landscape and organization of devices and drivers
  • Logging history of changes
  • Automatic backups and monitoring of unplanned changes
  • Full visibility of deviations
  • Minimization of downtime and restoration of configurations using change history
  • Quick identification and upload of correct versions
  • Easy-to-use data analytics platform for automation ecosystem data
  • Improvement of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
  • Standardization, synchronization, increased visibility, and system integration for OEE improvement
  • Implementation of regulatory workflows and compliance requirements
  • Easy documentation provision for audits
  • Identification of potential risks or vulnerabilities
  • Recommendations for maximizing reliability and stability
businessmatching icon

BusinessMatching & Development

  • Gather Economic Actors around qualified and targeted businessmatchings
  • Highlight territories with high potential of investment
  • Detect and develop business currents both between the different foreign delegation and economic actors
  • Lead economic and social forces for better collaboration with political decision makers

Our Contribution

Jury of Euro Maintenance 4.0 - 2018

Jury of Euro Maintenance 4.0 - 2018

Jury of Asset Performance 4.0 - 2021

Jury of Asset Performance 4.0 - 2021

Jury of Asset Performance 4.0 - 2022

Jury of Asset Performance 4.0 - 2022

Jury of Asset Performance - 2023

Jury of Asset Performance - 2023



Data and cyber security: the key to protecting strategic sectors

Data quality and security, combined with cyber security, are essential to protect strategic sectors. Critical infrastructure, mining, pharmaceutical industries, etc., depend on sensitive data. Data protection ensures the confidentiality and integrity of this crucial information. By combining cyber security and data protection best practices, the resilience of these sectors to growing threats can be strengthened.

Think Sustainable 

Artificial Intelligence


Digitization is a way to meet the requirements of competitiveness by improving productivity and quality in a context where needs are increasingly complex and customers are more and more demanding.

Things get really complicated when industrials need to deal with a myriad of information while serving conflicting objectives.

Good decisions is in the detail, but the human brain can not deal with all dimensions, making a supportive toolset indispensable.

The combination of artificial intelligence, human decisions and fundamental best practices allows manufacturers to gain in efficiency.

Circular Economy

The application of new technologies through the use of instantaneous data on existing equipment allows to :
  • Anticipate future problems
  • Reduce downtime

Extend the life of equipment and participate in the circular economy.

New technologies associated with AI. will be key elements of predictive maintenance, especially to reduce the use of raw materials.

By combining the principles of the circular economy, predictive maintenance and the use of existing equipment, companies can significantly reduce their carbon footprint.

Smart businesses

3 Reasons why businesses should adopt Artificial Intelligence (AI.) :
AI. improves human productivity.
AI. provides easy access to data insights.
AI. improves customer service and retention.

Get Started

It's Never Too Late or Too Early to Get Started

Let’s Build Together and Leverage our Collective Intelligence.